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Skateboard Amor Eterno

Ladies and gentleman
I would like to present:

Skate Vibration, Charlie Brown!

Straightout from the …., Sacramento!
And we now are Green Goes!

You know that I know and I know that you know
That you don’t want it! You don’t want it!
I know that you know and you know that I know
That you don’t want it! You don’t want it!
Tell me if is real, if is really real
Let me know is real yo, ………
That you know money! You know money!
Tell me if is real, if is really real
Let me know is real yo, ………..

Give what you got, by giving it all away
Give what you got, by giving it all away

Gotta keep what you got

And the music is hard

Can you feel what………..

De skate eu vim, de skate eu vou!
De skate eu vim, de skate eu vou!

Tell me if is real, if is really real
Let me know is real yo, …………
Tell me if is real, if is really real
Let me know is real yo,………….

Give what you got, by giving it all away
Give what you got, by giving it all away

Strange is the way I feel now
I feel strange but I won’t change
‘Cause I want to be myself
Strange is the way I feel now
I have given my all into the end
Please I want to be myself

Já lancei no muro, rabisquei no caderno, tatuei na pele
Skateboard amor eterno!

Old school, new school, old way, stay whill!
Tell me if is real, if is really real
Let me know is real yo,………….
Tell me if is real, if is really real
Let me know is real yo,………….

Give what you got, by giving it all away
Give what you got, by giving it all away

Strange is the way I feel now
I feel strange but I won’t change
Please I want to be myself

Strange is the way I feel now
I have given my all into the end
Please I want to be myself


Strange is the way I feel now
I feel strange but I won’t change
Please I want to be myself

Strange is the way I feel now
I have given my all into the end
Please I want to be myself

Tô mais perto da revolta do que da revolução
Conspiração do novo joga irmão contra irmão
Eu não saio do movimento, sou um cara do movimento
Que faz acontecer, não tá perdido no vento!Estilo: POP/ROCK RAP Artista: Charlie Brown Jr Canal no Youtube: Charlie Brown Jr

Skateboard Amor Eterno – Charlie Brown Jr

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