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Letra Música Lonely Is The Night – Air Supply

Really thought that I
Could live without you
Really thought that I
Could make it on my own
Sent you away
Yeah I said I didn’t need you
I let you go
I let you go
I let you go

Now I’m so lost
Without you
Now you’re not here
And now I know

Lonely is the night
When I’m not with you
Lonely is the night
Ain’t no light
Shining through

Till you’re in my arms
Till you’re here by my side
Lonely am I

Never thought that I
That I would need you
Never thought that I
That I’d be missing you

Gotta get you back
I just got to find a way now
To let you know
To let you know
To let you know

That I’m so lost without you
Now this world
Just ain’t right

Lonely is the night
When I’m not with you
Lonely is the night
Ain’t no light
Shining through

Till you’re in my arms
Till you’re here by my side
Lonely am I

I can make it through
The day
I can fake it okay

I just smile and pretend
And I tell myself
I’ll be alright
But lonely is the night
Lonely is the night

Now I’m so lost
Without you
Now you’re not here
And now I know

Lonely is the night
When I’m not with you
Lonely is the night
Ain’t no light
Shining through

Till you’re in my arms
Till you’re here by my side
Lonely is the night

Lonely is the night
When I’m not with you
Lonely is the night
Ain’t no light
Shining through

Till you’re in my arms
Till you’re here by my side
Lonely is the night

Lonely is the night
When I’m not with you
Lonely is the night
Ain’t no light
Shining through

Till you’re in my arms
Till you’re here by my sideAir Supply – Lonely Is The Night – Ouvir Música

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