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Letra Música Sunshine – OneRepublic

Running through this strange life
Chasing all them green lights
Throwing out the shade for a little bit of sunshine
Hit me with them good vibes
Pictures on my phone like
Everything is so fine
A little bit of sunshine

Crazy lately I’ve been finding
Tryna write myself with something
You just tryna get a word and life is not fair

I’ve been working on my tunnel vision
Tryna get a new prescription
Taking swings and even missing but I don’t care

I’m dancing more just a little bit
Breathing more just a little bit
Care a little less just a little bit
My life is woo-hoo!

I’m making morе just a little bit
Spend a little morе to get rid of it
Smile a little more and I’m into it

I, I, I, I-I’ve been running through this strange life
Chasing all them green lights
Throwing out the shade for a little bit of sunshine

Hit me with them good vibes
Pictures on my phone like
Everything is so fine
A little bit of sunshine

A little bit of sunshine
A little bit of sunshine

Another day, another selfish moment
I’ve been feeling helpless
Sick of seeing all the selfies, now I don’t care

Found myself a new vocation
Calibrated motivation
Almost had to change a station
Heading somewhere

I’m dancing more just a little bit
Breathing more just a little bit
Care a little less just a little bit
My life is woo-hoo!

I’m making more just a little bit
Spend a little more to get rid of it
Smile a little more and I’m into it

But honestly man, lately I-I’ve been running through this strange life
Chasing all them green lights
Throwing out the shade for a little bit of sunshine

Hit me with them good vibes
Pictures on my phone like
Everything is so fine
A little bit of sunshine

A little bit of sunshine
A little bit of sunshine

I don’t really know any other way to say this
Can’t slow down, tryna keep up with the changes
Punch that number and the name wanna go out there
And now I feel I’m out here with a cane when I walk in

Basically, life is the same thing
Unless you don’t want the same thing
Probably should’ve really got a feature but I didn’t
I’ve been saving up the money ‘cause it’s better for the business

I-I’ve been running through this strange life
Chasing all them green lights
Throwing out the shade for a little bit of sunshine (yeah)

A little bit of sunshine
A little bit of sunshineOneRepublic – Sunshine – Ouvir Música

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