Baixar Mais Tocadas: OneRepublic I Ain’t Worried está na 72ª Posição no Ranking Semanal do Youtube Global. A faixa I Ain’t Worried – OneRepublic está há 10 semanas nas paradas de sucesso Top…

Running through this strange life / Chasing all them green lights / Throwing out the shade for a little bit of sunshine / Hit me with them good vibes

I stared up at the Sun / Thought of all other people, places and things I’ve loved / I stared up just to see / With all of the faces, you were the one next to me

Woke up in London yesterday / Found myself in the city near Piccadilly / Don’t really know how I got here / I got some pictures on my phone

I don’t know what you’ve been told / But time is running out, no need to take it slow / I’m stepping to you toe-to-toe / I should be scared, honey, maybe so