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Letra Música Tragedy – Bee Gees

Here I lie, in a lost and lonely part of town
Held in time, in a world of tears I slowly drown
Going home, I just can’t make it all alone
I really should be holding you, holding you
Loving you, loving you
When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one to love you, you’re going nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one beside you, you’re going nowhere

Night and day, there’s a burning down inside of me
Oh, burning love with a yearning that won’t let me be
Down I go and I just can’t take it all alone
I really should be holding you, holding you
Loving you, loving you

When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one to love you, you’re going nowhere
When you lose control, and you got no soul, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one beside you, you’re going nowhere

Oh, oh

When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one to love you, you’re going nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one beside you, you’re going nowhere

When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one to love you, you’re going nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one beside you, you’re going nowhere

When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on, it’s tragedy
When the morning cries and you don’t know why, it’s hard to bear
With no one to love you, you’re going nowhere
TragedyBee Gees – Tragedy – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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