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Letra Música Hands Of Time – Perry Como

If the hands of time were hands that I could hold
I’d keep them warm and in my hands
They’d not turn cold
Hand in hand we’d choose the moments that should last
The lovely moments that should have no future and no past

The summer from the top of a swing
The comfort and the sound of a lullaby
The innocence of leaves in the spring
But most of the moment when love first touched me

All the happy days would never learn to fly
Until the hands of time would choose to wave good-bye

The innocence of leaves in the spring
But most of the moment when love first touched me

All the happy days would never learn to fly
Until the hands of time would choose to wave good-bye

The innocence of leaves in the spring
But most of the moment when love first touched me

All the happy days would never learn to fly
Until the hands of time would choose to wave
Good-bye…Perry Como – Hands Of Time – Ouvir Música

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