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Letra Música You Made It That Way (Watermelon Summer) – Perry Como

( You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way, yeah, yeah!

You made it that way, your sweet love made it that way! )

It was a watermelon summer,

A hummin’ bird hummer,

Every day was a slumber in the shade,

It was a tale-tellin’ whopper,

Banana-split topper,

A tall, cool, glass of lemonade!

You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way,

Yeah, yeah! You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way!

It was a lotta water splashin’

A fall down kinda laughin’

Good old times were hashin’ afternoon

It was a backyard barbecuin’

Hammock swinging wooing,

‘Neath the summer’s watermelon moon!

You made it that way,

[ Lyrics found on ]

your sweet love made it that way,

Yeah, yeah! You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way!

( Yeah ! )

It was a melody of crickets,

Singin’ in a picket,

It was a game of hide an’ seek to kick the can,

It was ally oxen free every time for you and me,

‘Cause hiding was the best part of the game!

You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way,

Yeah, yeah! You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way!

Yeah, yeah! You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way!

Yeah, yeah! You made it that way,

your sweet love made it that way . . . ( fade out )

Perry Como – You Made It That Way (Watermelon Summer) – Ouvir Música

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