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Letra Música Aubrey – Perry Como

And Aubrey was her name,
And not so very ordinary girl, or name . . .
But who’s to blame,
For a love that wouldn’t bloom,
For the hearts that never played in tune ?
Like a lovely melody,
That everyone can sing,
Take away the words that rhyme.
It doesn’t mean a thing . . . hmmmm

And Aubrey was her name,
We tripped the light,
And danced together to the moon,
But where was June ?
No, it never came around,
If it did, it never made a sound . . .
Maybe I was absent,
Or was listening too fast,
Catching all the words,
But then, the meaning going past . . . hmmmm

Oh, how I miss the girl,
And I’d go a thousand times around the world,
Just to be,
Closer to her, than to me.

And Aubrey was her name,
I never knew her,
But I loved her just the same,
I loved her name . . .

Wish that I had found a way,
And the reasons that would make her stay . . .
I have learned to lead a life,
Apart from all the rest,
If I can’t have the one I want.
I’ll go without the best . . . hmmmm

Oh, how I miss the girl,
And I’d go a million times around the world,
Just to say,
She had been mine for a day!Perry Como – Aubrey – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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