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Letra Música The Tabledancer – Danzel

Get on up the table
Get on up the table
Girl, I’ve been watching you
Every single day and hour of the week.
Girl, I’ve been lyin’ awake,
Can’t control the beating of my heart.

Get on up the table and show mer what you’re able of
Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of.
Shake that booty baby, tease me, I can’t get enough.
Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of.

Girl, I’ve been watching you
Every single day and hour of the week.
Girl, I’ve been lyin’ awake,
Can’t control the beating of my heart.
Man, I’ve been payin’ for you
But I don’t give a damm about the cash I lose.
Cuz’ you, you’re my dream come true,
And if you ever ask me, I will say: ‘I do”.

Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of
Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of.
Shake that booty baby, tease me, I can’t get enough.
Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of.

Shake your booty … I’ve been watching you …
No no, shake your booty … Whohohohohoooo

Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of
Get on up the table and show me what you’re able of.
Shake that booty baby, tease me, I can’t get enough.
Get on up the table and show me what you’re able ofDanzel – The Tabledancer – Ouvir Música

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