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Letra Música I Keep Running (feat. Sheare) – Benny Benassi

I’m waking up from something that I never thought I could explain
Taking back from someone that I never thought would look my way
But we don’t see, we don’t see the same thing
I’m wondering the secrets I’ll discover when you call my name
I keep running and running and running, running right back to you
Back to you
Running and running and running, just like you want me to
Want me to

I keep running and running and running, running right back to you
Back to you
Running and running and running, just like you want me to
Want me to

Tell me that you need me and there is no-one that can take my place
Until you turn around and see that someone else got in your way
We don’t talk we, don’t talk it’s a shame
Staring at the ceiling, as I’m wondering how to escape

I keep running and running and running, running right back to you
Back to you
Running and running and running, just like you want me to
Want me to

I keep running and running and running, running right back to you
Back to you
Running and running and running, just like you want me to
Want me to

‘Cause anybody anyone wants somebody who just got them mesmerized
Anybody anyone wants somebody to see, when they close their eyes
Close their eyes

I can’t fight this feeling when I’m with you cause you have me paralyzed
‘Cause anybody anyone wants somebody who just got them mesmerized

I keep running running running, running right back to you
Back to you
Running and running and running, just like you want me to
Want me toBenny Benassi – I Keep Running (feat. Sheare) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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