Letra Música Plush – Stone Temple Pilots

And I feel that time’s a waste go
So where are you going ‘till tomorrow?
And I see that these are lies to come
Would you even care?
And I feel it
And I feel it

Where you going for tomorrow?
Where you going with that mask I found?
And I feel, and I feel
When the dogs begin to smell her
Will she smell alone?

And I feel so much depends on the weather
So, is it raining in your bedroom?
And I see that these are the eyes of disarray
Would you even care?

And I feel it
And she feels it

Where you going for tomorrow?
Where you going with that mask I found?
And I feel, and I feel
When the dogs begin to smell her
Will she smell alone?

When the dogs do find her
Got time, time to wait for tomorrow
To find it, to find it, to find it
When the dogs do find her
Got time, time to wait for tomorrow
To find it, to find it, to find it

Where you going for tomorrow?
Where you going with that mask I found?
And I feel, and I feel
When the dogs begin to smell her
Will she smell alone?

When the dogs do find her
Got time, time to wait for tomorrow
To find it, to find it, to find it
When the dogs do find her
Got time, time to wait for tomorrow
To find it, to find it, to find it

To find it
To find it
To find itStone Temple Pilots – Plush – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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