Letra Música Rowing – Soundgarden

I don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row

Moving is breathing and breathing is life
Stopping is dying
You’ll be alright
Life is a hammer waiting to drop
Drifting the shallows and the rowing won’t stop

Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row

Can’t see the sky, nothing’s on the horizon
Can’t feel my hands and the water keeps risin’
Can’t fall asleep ‘cause i wake up dead
I just keep polling, i just keep rowing

Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on polling, gotta row
I don’t know where i’m going
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row

Rowing is living and living is hard
But living beats losing all that we are
All that we know of, and all that we feel
All we remember, imagine the real
All we remember, imagine the real


I heard an echo but the answer had changed
From the word i remembered
That i started out sayin’
Living is cheating if you’re not pulling oars
The current is leaving,
I’ll get mine (you get yours)

Don’t know where i’m going i just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row
(yeah, get yours)
Don’t know where i’m going i just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row


Rowing is bleeding, bleeding is breathing
Breathing is feeling, running, and freezing
We’re getting dirty but i started out clean

Keep on rowing and
Keep on rowing and
Keep on polling and
Keep on polling and
Keep on rowing and
Keep on rowing and
Keep on rowing and
Keep on rowing and
Keep on rowing
Keep on rowing

Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta row
Don’t know where i’m going
I just keep on rowing
I just keep on polling, gotta rowSoundgarden – Rowing – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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