Letra Música Troubled Times – Screaming Trees

Lay it to rest
You know my word ain’t the best
It’s just another question of faith
That I must take
Till it’s laid to waste
Laid to waste
I stood and I watched you weep
Until I’m gone you’re sure to cry some more
I stayed and lit a cigarette
I thought we’d been here some time before

Booked and I got to hurry
Troubled times and worry
Will turn your head away
Swear to you now I’m learning
Troubled times are turning
Turn your head away

She said that it’s five AM
I think it’s time for you to go
Got to hurry, got to get on board
And drink myself to sleep at home

Booked and I got to hurry
Troubled times and worry
Will turn your head away
Swear to you I’m learning
Troubled times are turning
Turn your head away

Shimmy on down baby
Shimmy on down baby
Shimmy on down baby
Shimmy on down baby

Booked and I got to hurry
Troubled times and worry
Will turn your head away
Swear to you I’m learning
Troubled times are turning
Turn your head away

Booked and I got to hurry
Troubled times and worry
Will turn your head away
Swear to you I’m learning
Troubled times are turning
Turn your head away

Shimmy on down baby
Shimmy on down baby
Shimmy on down baby
Shimmy on down baby

Lay it to rest, you know my love ain’t the best
This is just another question of taste
That I must takeScreaming Trees – Troubled Times – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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