Letra Música State Of Love And Trust – Pearl Jam

State of love and trust as I
Busted down the pretext
Sin still plays and preaches
But to have an empty court, uh huh
And the signs are passin
Grip the wheel, can’t read it
Sacrifice receiving
The smell that’s on my hands, hands, yeah
And I listen
For the voice inside my head
I’ll do this one myself

Lay her down as priest does
Should the lord be acounting
Will be in my honour
Make it pain painfully quick, uh huh
Promises are whispered
In the age of darkness
Want to be enlightened
Like I want to be told the end, end, yeah

And the barrel shakes aimed
Oh, directly at my head
Oh, help me
Help me from myself

And I listen
From both sides of a friend
I’ll do this one myself


Yeah, yeah

Hey, na-na-na-na, hey that’s something
Hey, na-na-na-na, hey that’s something
Hey, na-na-na-na, hey that’s something
Wanna back, back it away, yeah

And I listen
For the voice inside my head
I’ll do this one myself

And the barrel waits
Trigger shakes
Aimed right at my head
Won’t you help me?
Help me from myself

State of love and trust and a
State of love and trust and a
State of love and trust and a
State of love and yeah, yeahPearl Jam – State Of Love And Trust – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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