Letra Música Faithfull – Pearl Jam

Plaque on the wall says that no one’s slept here
It’s rare to come upon a bridge that has not been around
Or been stepped on
Whatever the notion we laced in our prayers
The man upstairs is used to all of this noise
I’m through with screaming and
And echoes nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes
Like echoes nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes, like ooh
We’re faithfull, we all believe, we all believe it
We’re faithfull, oh, we all believe, we all believe it
We’re faithfull, we all believe, we all believe it
We’re faithfull, we all believe, we all believe it

It echoes nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes
Like echoes nobody hears, it goes, it goes, it goes
We’re faithfull, we all believe, we all believe it
We’re faithfull, oh, we all believe, we all believe it
We’re faithfull, we all believe, we all believe it
We’re faithfull, we all believe, we all believe it

M-Y-T-H: it’s
Belief in the game controls that keeps us in a box of fear
We never listen
Voice inside so drowned out
Drowned you are, you are, you are a furry thing
And everything is you
Me you, you me, it’s all related
What’s a boy to do?
Just be darling and I will be too
Faithfull to youPearl Jam – Faithfull – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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