Letra Música So Far Under – Alice In Chains

I survive on the scraps you don’t burn
Maybe love’s something I’ll never learn
This whole house of cards crumbling slow
If I disappear, would you even know?
The trap is time and
No one gets off of this ride alive
The trap is time and
No one gets off of this ride alive

So far under hell
Fought hard where I fell
Now forever dwell
So far under
So far under hell
Too much pain to tell
And now I’m ripped asunder
So far under

All my words sucked straight into the void
Same black hole where my heart was destroyed

The trap is time and
No one gets off of this ride alive
The trap is time and
No one gets off of this ride alive

So far under hell
Fought hard where I fell
Now forever dwell
So far under
So far under hell
Too much pain to tell
And now I’m ripped asunder
So far under

So far under hell
Fought hard where I fell
Now forever dwell
So far under
So far under hell
Too much pain to tell
And now I’m ripped asunder
So far underAlice In Chains – So Far Under – Ouvir Música

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