Letra Música neyo – Yö

I gotta change the station that I have
Cause all i hear is you
It just keeps reminding me
Of all the things we used to do
And I know that I should turn
Off the radio
But it’s the only place I hear your voice anymore
(It’s ridiculous)
It’s been months since I’ve spoken to you
(You aint keep in touch)
Don’t know why it came to this no
(But enough is enough)
No more walking round with my head down
I don’t wanna be a fool
Crying over you
If you’re so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
You said you loved me
Why aren’t you here?
I’m so sick of your love songs
So sad and slow
But I just can’t turn off the radio
Gotta fix that calendar I have
That’s marked July 16th
Cause it seems like you forgot
That was our anniversary
When I heard your song
It made it hard to erase your memory
Now when I hear your songs I know it’s best for me
I can’t believe that your
So sick of love songs
So tired of tears
You said you loved me
Why aren’t you here?
I’m so sick of your love songs
So sad and slow
But I just can’t turn off the radio
(Now that I’m gone)
Now that I’m gone
(I wanna be left alone)
And everytime I see your smile
It’s looking at our child
You should know
Ooh why can’t you move on?
If you’re so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
You said you loved me
Why aren’t you here?
I’m so sick of your love songs
So sad and slow
But I just can’t turn off the radio
(I just can’t turn off the radio)
If your so sick of love songz (So sick of love songs)
so tired of tears (so tired of tears)
You said you loved me
Why aren’t you here? (Yeaaaah) (Why ain’t you here???)
I’m so sick of your love songs
So sad and slow (Oo oh)
But I just can’t turn off the radio
(I just can’t turn off the radio)
If you’re so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
You said you loved me
Why aren’t you here?
I’m so sick of your love songs
So sad and slow
But I just can’t turn off the radio
(I just can’t turn off the radio)
I just can’t turn off the radio
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Inglês-Português Tradução
Tradução de palavras e texto.Yö – neyo – Ouvir Música

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