Letra Música Diggin’ On James Brown – Tower Of Power

I’ve been through all them changes,
A lot of stuff came down.
I’ve dealt with all the issues,
You might say I’ve been around.
But back when I got started,
There was a righteous sound.
It doesn’t matter what I’ve been through,
I’ll still be diggin’ on James Brown.

Ya know the more things change,
The more they stay the same.
It may be a different age,
But I’m on the same page.

Cause one thing that I’ve found,
I’ll still be diggin’ on James Brown.

I had an attitude adjustment,
I did some psycho therapy.
I helped myself to some self-help,
I dabbled in some ESP.
Though my world is ever-changing,
And I move from town to town,

It doesn’t matter where I’ve been to,
I’ll still be diggin’ on James Brown.

Ya know the more things change,
The more they stay the same.
It may be a different age,
But I’m on the same page.

Cause one thing that I’ve found,
I’ll still be diggin’ on James Brown.

You got your rap and your disco,
You got your drum machine.
You got your R-rated gangster,
You got your grungy scene.
You got your state of the art,
You got your digital sound.

It doesn’t matter where it’s going to
I’ll still be diggin’ on James Brown.

Take it to the bridge,
It’ll get ya where ya live.
When there’s water all around,
You can still get outta town,
And still be diggin’ on James Brown.

Ya know the more things change,
The more they stay the same.
It may be a different age,
But I’m on the same page.

Cause one thing that I’ve found,
I’ll still be diggin’ on James Brown.Tower Of Power – Diggin’ On James Brown – Ouvir Música

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