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Letra Música Only When I Sleep – The Corrs

You’re only just a dreamboat
Sailing in my head
You swim my secret oceans
Of coral blue and red
Your smell is incense burning
Your touch is silken yet
It reaches through my skin
Moving from within
Clutches at my breasts

But it’s only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

But I only hear you breathe
Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down
(Only when I sleep)

When I wake up from slumber
Your shadows disappear
Your breath is just a sea mist
Surrounding my body

I’m working through the day time
But when it’s time to rest
I’m lying in my bed
Listening to my breath
Falling from the edge

It’s only when I sleep
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It’s only when I sleep

Until the sky
Where the angels fly
I’ll never die
Higly dangerous

It’s reaches through my skin
Moving from the within
Clutches at my breats

But it’s only when I sleep
See you in my dream
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside down

But I only hear you breathe
In the bed I lie
No needs to cry
My sleep crying
Higly dangerousThe Corrs – Only When I Sleep – Ouvir Música

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