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Letra Música The Call Of The Mountains – Eluveitie

Against the waves with our swords in our hands
Against the sea with our backs to the walls
Against distress in the presence of our enemies
Against the storms roaring at our faces
The cry rang out throughout the skies
That beckoned the flight of the cranes

The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh
The call of the alps
The call home, ooh, ooh
The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains

What’s that stir, so blatant in our sallying hearts?
What’s that urge that lifted up our longing eyes?
What’s that ring echoing from the leaden skies?
What’s that augur resounding from the lyre’s strings?

A cry rang out in the sibilant winds
A behest, the outcry of the cranes

The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh
The call of the alps
The call home, ooh, ooh
The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountains

The voice in the wind, the saint in the sky

The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh
The call of the alps
The call home, ooh, ooh
The tune in our hearts

The call of the mountains, ooh, ooh
The call of the alps
The call home, ooh, ooh
The tune in our hearts, the song of the mountainsEluveitie – The Call Of The Mountains – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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