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Letra Música Tangled In The Great Escape (feat. Jason Butler) – Pierce The Veil

Well, don’t you say you had a part of it
I guess we’ll never know
Oh would you say that had a part of it
Well I guess we’ll never know
Constant recovery
I see you choke and it takes my breath away

When all is good, we close our eyes
They all accept the lie

So bury what you want outside
Brother, promise you won’t leave me

I know you’re tortured within
Your eyes look hungry again
But I’ll never wander, my friend

Well, somebody believed in this suicide
Am I the only one that thinks that you should stay alive
Oh, I became the train as you backed up on the ropes
To arm yourself and lie

Am so I scream: Mayday
I’m in trouble
Send somebody on the double

Scratching at the floor inside my mind
They all accept the lie
So bury what you want outside
Brother, please don’t be afraid of

I know you’re tortured within
Your eyes look hungry again
But I’ll never wander, my friend

I let you down
And started to run
Never meant to be your pain
What have I become

Show me, show me the way back
Show me the way back home

I know you’re tortured within
Your eyes look hungry again
But I’ll never wander, my friend
No, I’ll never wander again

Not what I want
Not what I know

Can I just have one more taste?
Just to make it through the day
You’re tangled
You’re tangled in the great escape

Great escape, oh

I never meant to hurt nobody, no no, yeah
I never meant to hurt you, no no no no
I only meant to do this to myself, to myself, to myself
Great escape
Great escape
Great escape
Oh, great escape
I was lost, yeah
Baby, I was lost, yeahPierce The Veil – Tangled In The Great Escape (feat. Jason Butler) – Ouvir Música

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