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Letra Música Broken – Soulsister

You don’t have to look too hard
To see the future in that old woman’s eyes
Her son’s broken
And his son’s close behind
Disappointment’s on her face
She’s been walking through a reoccuring dream
Races, hatred, this is what it means

And every time she witnesses the violence in the streets
She reaches for the cross bows her head and then she pleads

Let the spell be broken
Break its hold from our minds
Let it pass from our lives
Let the spell be broken
Every heart beats the same
So how much longer will it take ?

Neighbourhoods are burnin’ down
And when they’re gone
There’s still a line in the dust
Your side, my side
Ain’t things bad enough

‘Cause everyone’s a victim of the violence in the street
And every mother knows about the sorrow that it breeds

So let the spell be broken
Break its hold from our minds
Let it pass from our lives
Let the spell be broken
Every heart beats the same
So how much longer will it take
Till it’s over yeah

Let the spell be broken
Let the spell be broken

‘Cause everyone’s a victim of the violence in the street
And every mother knows about the sorrow that it breeds

So let the spell be broken
Break its hold from our minds
Let it pass from our lives
Let the spell be broken
Every heart beats the same
So how much longer will it take?Soulsister – Broken – Ouvir Música

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