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Letra Música I Never Told You What I do For a Living – My Chemical Romance

Stay out of the light
Or the photograph that I gave you
You can say a prayer if you need to
Or just get in line and I’ll grieve you
Can I meet you alone?
Another night and I’ll see you
Another night and I’ll be you
Some other way to continue
To hide my face

Another knife in my hands
A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I’m so dirty, babe

The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes
I keep a book of the names and those
Only go so far till you bury them
So deep and down we go

Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace
I did it all so maybe I’d live this every day

Another knife in my hands
A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I’m so dirty, babe

It ain’t the money and it sure as hell ain’t just for the fame
It’s for the bodies I claim and those
Only go so far till you bury them
So deep and down we go

And down we go
And down we go
And down we go
And we all fall down

I tried
I tried

And we’ll all dance along to the tune of your death
We’ll love again, we’ll laugh again
And it’s better of this way

And never again, and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of our head
And we’re all dead now

Well, never again, and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we’re all dead now

Well, I tried
One more night, one more night
Well I’m laughin’ out, cryin’ out, laughin’ out loud
I tried, well, I tried, well, I tried
‘Cause I tried, but I lied
I lied

I tried
I tried
I tried
Well, I

And we’ll love again, we’ll laugh again
We’ll cry again and we’ll dance again
And it’s better off this way
So much better off this way
I can’t clean the blood off the sheets in my bed

Well, never again, and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of our head
And we’re all dead nowMy Chemical Romance – I Never Told You What I do For a Living – Ouvir Música

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