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Letra Música Beach House – The Chainsmokers

You had one job!
Woke up on the west side
Listening to beach house, taking my time
She’s just my type
Dark hair waving at the passenger’s side
Then I start to think
As she pulls me on the bathroom floor
This is my type of thing, yeah, yeah

Oh, darling of mine
Where have you been?
I feel so alive
With you in my bed
Oh, darling of mine
Please, don’t let go
Just tell me you feel this
Tell me you know
Oh, darling of mine
Oh, darling of mine

On a train through Japan
I keep her real close ‘cause she knows who I am
Red pill in my hand
Paranoid cutie with a dark past and
It’s that type of thing
When she feels like the girl next door
This is my type of thing, yeah, yeah

Oh, darling of mine
Where have you been?
I feel so alive
With you in my bed
Oh, darling of mine
Please, don’t let go
Just tell me you feel this
Tell me you know
Oh, darling of mine
Oh, darling of mine

Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Where have you been?

And then I start to think
As I lift her on the sink
That I’ve been here before
It’s a certain type of fling
She gets bored of everything
Not the type you can ignore
Yeah, I just wanna taste
As she grabs me by the waist
As she closes the door
She’s taking what she wants
Baby, you can have it all

Oh, darling of mine
Where have you been? (Where have you been?)
I feel so alive
With you in my bed (you in my bed)
Oh, darling of mine
Please, don’t let go (please, don’t let go)
Just tell me you feel this
Tell me you know
Oh, darling of mine

Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Oh, darling of mineThe Chainsmokers – Beach House – Ouvir Música

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