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Letra Música Soldiers – ABBA

Do I hear what I think I’m hearing?
Do I see the signs I think I see or is this just a fantasy?
Is it true that the beast is waking
Stirring in his restless sleep tonight, in the pale moonlight?
In the grip of this cold December
You and I have reason to remember
Soldiers write the songs and
Soldiers sing the songs that you and I don’t sing
They blow their horns and march along
They drum their drums and look so strong
You’d think that nothing in the world was wrong
Soldiers write the songs and
Soldiers sing the songs that you and I won’t sing
Let’s not look the other way, taking a chance
‘Cause if the bugler starts to play, we too must dance

What’s that sound, what’s that dreadful rumble?
Won’t somebody tell me what I hear in the distance but drawing near?
Is it only a storm approaching?
All the thunder and the blinding light in the winter night?
In the grip of this cold December
You and I have reason to remember

Soldiers write the songs and
Soldiers sing the songs that you and I don’t sing
They blow their horns and march along
They drum their drums and look so strong
You’d think that nothing in the world was wrong
Soldiers write the songs and
Soldiers sing the songs that you and I won’t sing
Let’s not look the other way, taking a chance
‘Cause if the bugler starts to play, we too must dance

Soldiers write the songs and
Soldiers sing the songs that you and I won’t sing
Let’s not look the other way, taking a chance
‘Cause if the bugler starts to play, we too must danceABBA – Soldiers – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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