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Letra Música I Am The City – ABBA

Coming through a cloud you’re looking at me from above
And I’m a revelation spreading out before your eyes
And you find me beautiful and irresistible
A giant creature that forever seems to grow in size
And you feel a strange attraction (ooh, ooh)
The air is vibrant and electrified
Welcome to me here I am my arms are open wide
Somewhere in the middle of the never ending noise
There is a constant steady rhythm of a heart that beats
And a million voices blend into a single voice
And you can hear it in the clamour of the crowded streets
People come and take their chances (ooh, ooh)
Sometimes you win sometimes you lose a lot
Come make your own contribution to this melting pot

I’m the street you walk, the language you talk, I am the city
The skyline is me, and the energy, I am the city
The famous hotels and the cocktail bars and the funny smells
And the turmoil of cars and the people, the air that you’re breathing is me
Yes, I am the city, you let me be

People feed me with their lives I am a hungry soul
And they all worship me and pay their homage day and night
Every day I knew a lot of tired shopping feet
But come the night they will be dancing in the neon light
Dazzled by the crazy magic (ooh, ooh)
They’re grabbing pieces of the fatted calf
And in the wind if you listen hard you’ll hear me laugh

I’m the street you walk, the language you talk, I am the city
The skyline is me, and the energy, I am the city
The famous hotels and the cocktail bars and the funny smells
And the turmoil of cars and the people
The parks and the squares that you see
All the sounds that you hear, and the air that you’re breathing is me
Yes, I am the city, you let me be

I am the city, you let me be, I am the city
The famous hotels and the cocktail bars and the funny smells
And the turmoil of cars and the people, the air that you’re breathing is me

Coming through a cloud you’re looking at me from above
And I’m a revelation spreading out before your eyes
I’m the street you walk, the language you talk, I am the city
Yes, I am the city, you let me be

And you find me beautiful and irresistible
A giant creature that forever seems to grow inside
The skyline is me, and the energy, I am the city
You let me be

Somewhere in the middle of that never ending noise
There is a pulse, a steady rhythm of a heart that beats
I’m the street you walk, the language you talk, I am the city
Yes, I am the city, you let me be

And a million voices blend into a single voice
And you can hear it in the clamour of the crowded street
The skyline is me, and the energy, I am the city
You let me be

People feed me with their lives, I am a hungry soul
And they all worship me, and pray their homage day and nightABBA – I Am The City – Ouvir Música

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