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Letra Música Come Wake Me Up – Rascal Flatts

I can usually drink you right off my mind
But I miss you tonight
I can normally push you right out of my heart
But I’m too tired to fight
Yeah the whole thing begins
And I let you sink in to my veins and I feel the pain like it’s new
Everything that we were everything that you said
Everything that I did and that I couldn’t do
Plays through tonight

Tonight your memory burns like a fire
With every one it grows higher and higher
And I can’t get over it
I just can’t put out this love
I just sit in these flames and pray that you’ll come back
Close my eyes tightly hold on and hope that I’m dreaming
Come wake me up

Turn the TV up loud just to drown out your voice but I can’t forget
Now I’m all out of ideas and baby I’m down to my last cigarette
Yeah you’re probably asleep deep inside of your
Dreams while I’m sitting here crying and trying to see
Yeah wherever you are baby now I am sure that you’ve moved
On and aren’t thinking twice about me and you tonight

Tonight your memory burns like a fire
With every one it grows higher and higher
And I can’t get over it
I just can’t put out this love
I just sit in these flames and pray that you’ll come back
Close my eyes tightly hold on and hope that I’m dreaming

I know that you’re moving on
I know I should give you up
But I keep hoping that you’ll trip and fall back in love
Times not healing anything
No baby this pain is worse than it ever was

I know that you can’t hear me but baby I need you to save me tonight

Tonight your memory burns like a fire
With every one it grows higher and higher
And I can’t get over it
I just can’t put out this love
I just sit in these flames and pray that you’ll come back
Close my eyes tightly hold on and hope that I’m dreaming
Come wake me up

Oh I’m dreaming come wake me up
Oh I’m dreaming

Rascal Flatts – Come Wake Me Up – Ouvir Música

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