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Letra Música Soulmate – Josh Turner

Until the end of time
You’re my soulmate
I’ll love you till I get to heaven’s gate
And if I go first sweetheart
I’ll wait
‘Cause I know I’ll never find another
Your love
There’s no telling where I’d be
Without your love
Stumbling in the dark
Would be pretty rough
When I get down you’re the one
That lifts me up
I thank the Lord above
For your love

In this day and time
The right one is hard to find
Girl, that’s why I’m holding on to you
Each and every night
When we turn out the light
There’s no mistaking what we have is true

I hope that we grow old together
In the good and bad
Even through the heartache
We’ve got a special bond
That’ll never break
‘Cause darling you and I are

In this day and time
The right one is hard to find
Girl, that’s why I’m holding on to you
Each and every night
When we turn out the light
There’s no mistaking what we have is true

Until the end of time
You’re my soulmate
I’ll love you till I get to
Heaven’s gate
We’ve got a special bond
That’ll never break
‘Cause darling you and I are
Yeah, I know I’ll never find another
SoulmateJosh Turner – Soulmate – Ouvir Música

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