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Letra Música I Can Still Make Cheyenne – George Strait

Her telephone rang bout a quarter to nine
She heard his voice on the other end of the line
She wondered what was wrong this time
She never knew what his calls might bring
With a cowboy like him it could be anything
And she always expected the worst in the back of her mind
He said, “It’s cold out here and I’m all alone
I didn’t make the short go again, and I’m comin home
I never got a chance to write or call
And I know this rodeo’s been hard on us all
But I’ll be home soon and honey is there somethin wrong”

She said, “Don’t bother comin home
By the time you get here I’ll be long gone
There’s somebody new and he sure ain’t no rodeo man”
He said, “I’m sorry, it’s come down to this
There’s so much about you that I’m gonna miss
But it’s alright, honey, if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne
Gotta go now, baby, if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne”

He left that phone danglin off the hook
Then slowly turned and gave it one last look
Then he just walked away
He aimed his truck toward that Wyoming line
With a little luck he could still get there in time
And in that Cheyenne wind he could still hear her say

She said, “Don’t bother comin home
By the time you get here I’ll be long gone
There’s somebody new and he sure ain’t no rodeo man”
He said, “I’m sorry, it’s come down to this
There’s so much about you that I’m gonna miss
But it’s alright, honey, if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne
Gotta go now, baby, if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne”

She never knew what his calls might bring
With a cowboy like him it could be anything
And she always expected the worst in the back of her mindGeorge Strait – I Can Still Make Cheyenne – Ouvir Música

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