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Letra Música Bigger Houses – Dan + Shay

Used to dream about buying that bigger house, sitting on top of some hill
Losing sleep about filling my bank account, wondering if I ever will
But the older I get, I just care less and less ‘bout keeping up with people named jones
If you don’t fill it up with somebody that you love, it ain’t ever gonna feel like home

There’s always gonna be a higher high
You could chase for the rest of your life
Greener grass in the yard next door
Or a shined up chevy little newer than yours
You’re never gonna fill an empty cup if what you got’s still not enough
The thing about happiness I’ve found is
It don’t live in bigger houses

I can hear the kids making little footsteps, running down the hallway upstairs
I can see the dogs playing in the back yard, through the kitchen window right there

Maybe life’s kinda more ‘bout a swing on the porch, holding her while the Sun disappears
Why would I wanna be anywhere else in the world when my whole world is sitting right here?

There’s always gonna be a higher high
You could chase for the rest of your life
Greener grass in the yard next door
Or a shined up chevy little newer than yours
You’re never gonna fill an empty cup if what you got’s still not enough
The thing about happiness I’ve found is
It don’t live in bigger houses

No-no, no-no, no-no

There’s always gonna be a higher high
You could chase for the rest of your life
Greener grass in the yard next door
Or a shined up chevy little newer than yours
You’re never gonna fill an empty cup if what you got’s still not enough
The thing about happiness I’ve found is
It don’t live in bigger houses

The thing about happiness I’ve found is
It don’t live in bigger houses
Mm-hmmDan + Shay – Bigger Houses – Ouvir Música

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