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Letra Música Love Wins – Carrie Underwood

A stray bullet and a momma cries
Her baby won’t be coming home tonight
Sirens screaming down the avenue
Just another story on the evening news, oh, whoa
Politics and prejudice
How the hell did it ever come to this?
When everybody’s gotta pick a side
It don’t matter if you’re wrong or right, no

And so it goes
But I hold onto hope and I won’t let go ‘cause

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we’re made to be here for each other
And we’ll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah, I, I believe in the end love wins

Sometimes it takes a lot of faith
To keep believing there will come a day
When the tears and the sadness, the pain and the hate
The struggle, this madness, will all fade away, yeah

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we’re made to be here for each other
And we’ll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah, I, I believe in the end love wins

Love is power, love is a smile
Love reaches out, love is the remedy
Love is the answer, love’s an open door
Love is the only thing worth fighting for, yeah

I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we’re made to be here for each other
And we’ll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah, I, I believe in the end love wins
Oh, yeah, love wins

Love will, love can, love still, love wins
Love will, love can, love still, love winsCarrie Underwood – Love Wins – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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