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Letra Música Catch – Brett Young

I wasn’t trying to feel like this
I wasn’t trying to feel nothing at all
I just came to meet my friends
And tried to drink the long wake off
I didn’t wanna stay too late
I wasn’t trying to close it down
I was doing my own thing
Yeah up until you sat down
I thought that I catch a buzz, catch a game
Catch up with the boys, the same old thing
Catch a cab back to my place
But then I saw your face
Now you got me trying to
Catch you a ride, catch your name
Catch a spark and start a flame
The way you smile and I can’t help myself
Girl, you got me trying to catch my breath
You got me trying to catch my breath

You got me doing double takes
You went and messed up all my plans
I only meant to hold this drink
Now I’m trying to hold your hand

I thought that I catch a buzz, catch a game
Catch up with the boys, the same old thing
Catch a cab back to my place
But then I saw your face
Now you got me trying to
Catch you a ride, catch your name
Catch a spark and start a flame
The way you smile and I can’t help myself
Girl, you got me trying to catch my breath
You got me trying to catch my breath

You got me catching feelings
I wasn’t even trying to feel this
I don’t know how you started stealing my heart
I give up in this bar but I’m glad that you are
Cause I just thought that I

Catch a buzz, catch a game
Catch up with the boys, the same old thing
Catch a cab back to my place
But then I saw your face
Now you got me trying to
Catch you a ride, catch your name
Catch a spark and start a flame
The way you smile and I can’t help myself
Girl, you got me trying to catch my breath
You got me trying to catch my breath
You got me trying to catch my breath
You got me trying to catch my breathBrett Young – Catch – Ouvir Música

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