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Letra Música Wildflower Wildfire – Lana Del Rey

Here’s the deal
‘Cause I know you wanna talk about it
Here’s the deal
I promise you, like, a million tomorrows
Here’s the deal
What I can promise is I’ll lie down
Like a bed of wildflowers
And I’ll always make the sheets
Smell like gardenias wild at your feet
And I nourish you hazily

Baby, I, I, I
I’ve been runnin’ on stardust alone for so long
I wouldn’t know what hot fire was
Hot fire, hot weather, hot coffee
I’m better with you
It’s strange, but it’s true, darling

Not to turn into a wildfire
To light up your night
With only my smile and nothing that burns

Baby, I’ll be like a wildflower
I live on sheer willpower
I’ll do my best never to turn into something
That burns, burns, burns
Like the others, baby, burns, burns, burns

Here’s the deal
‘Cause I know you wanna talk about it
Here’s the deal
You say there’s gaps to fill in, so here

Here’s the deal
My father never stepped in when his wife would rage at me
So I ended up awkward, but sweet
Later then, hospitals, stand still on my feet
Comfortably numb, but with lithium came poetry

And, baby, I
I’ve been running on star drip
IV’s for so long
I wouldn’t know how cruel the world was
Hot fire, hot weather, hot coffee, I’m better
So I turn, but I learn (It from you, babe)

Not to turn into a wildfire
To light up your night
With only my smile and nothing that hurts

Baby, I run like a wildflower
I live on sheer willpower
I promise that nothing will burn you
Nothing will burn, burn, burn
Like the others, baby, burns, burns, burns

Burn, burn, burn (like the others, baby)
Like the others, baby, burns, burns, burns

It’s you from whom I learn, learn, learn
It’s you from whom I learn, learn, learnLana Del Rey – Wildflower Wildfire – Ouvir Música

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