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Letra Música Hell Or High Water – Passenger

Was it the trick of the light
Or a shot in the dark?
Was it hell or high water
That broke our hearts?
Was it something I said
Or just a cruel twist of fate?
Was it hell or high water?
Is it too late?
Oh, is it too late?
Well, all my life I’ve been
Searching for someone
To show me how it feels to be loved
And how to love somebody back

And after stumbling through the years
I thought I found you just to
See you fading out into the night

Was it the trick of the light
Or a shot in the dark?
Was it hell or high water
That broke our hearts?
Was it something you said
Or just a cruel twist of fate?
Was it hell or high water?
And is it too late?

See, all my life I’ve been
Silently reaching for a hand to hold
To warm the cold
A spark of light to guide me through alright

And after stumbling through the years
I thought I found you just to
See you fading out into the night

Was it the trick of the light
Or a shot in the dark?
Was it hell or high water
That broke our hearts?
Was it something we did
Or just a cruel twist of fate?
Was it hell or high water?
And is it too late?

Was it a knife in my back
Or a fork in the road?
Was it hell or high water
That left us alone?
Is it really game over?
Is it really checkmate?
Was it hell or high water?
Is it too late?
Oh, is it too late?

Was it a trick of the light
Or a shot in the dark?
Was it hell or high water
That broke our hearts?

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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