Letra Música All I Am – Alice In Chains

Cannot recognize the face before me

It’s unfamiliar

Time has left me broken down and lonely?

Can you still see me undisguised?

Outside the window of your eyes

Clinging to the memory of your prime

After many years the road you wandered

Left you here alone, deprived of others

On your toes or on your heels

There’s a line drawn on the floor

Where the blood has dried, there is no shine

Have another go my friend

You see I can’t feel anymore

While you question just who the hell am I

Is this all I am?

Given all I can?

Is this all I am?

‘Till the end of time, never knowing why

Ghosts and damage, no advantage for me

I’m past believing

Understand the price you pay disarming

When you can leave it all behind

Outside of the window of your eyes

Clinging to the memory of your prime

After many years the road you wandered

Left you here alone, deprived of others

On your toes or on your heels

There’s a line drawn on the floor

Where the blood has dried, there is no shine

Have another go my friend

You see I can’t feel anymore

While you question just who the hell am I

Is this all I am?

Given all I can?

Is this all I am?

‘Till the end of time, never knowing why

Cannot recognize the face before me

It’s unfamiliar

Alice In Chains – All I Am – Ouvir Música

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