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Letra Música King Kong Song – ABBA

Well I was looking at a movie on the TV last night

Then I had a very funny notion, yeah

I really had to write a song about it

And then I’m gonna sing it with my rock’n roll band

And I bet the people gonna like it, yeah

I know that everybody’s gonna shout it

And what a dreadful mighty killer

A big black wild gorilla

We do the King Kong song, won’t you sing along

Listen to the music and it couldn’t go wrong

We do the Kong Kong song, gotta sing along

Can’t you hear the beating of the monkey tom-tom

Listen to the rhythm of the King Kong song

Now we can make the jungle out of any old place

We can make gorillas out of people, yeah

Well who can tell a monkey from a monkey?

So people get together, gonna have a good time

Everybody listen to the music, yeah

‘Cause what we’re gonna sing is kinda funky

So let your arms hang down

And waddle all around

Like a dreadful mighty killer

A big black wild gorilla

We do the King Kong song, won’t you sing along

Listen to the music and it couldn’t go wrong

We do the Kong Kong song, gotta sing along

Can’t you hear the beating of the monkey tom-tom

Listen to the rhythm of the King Kong song

Like a dreadful mighty killer

A big black wild gorilla

We do the King Kong song, won’t you sing along

Listen to the music and it couldn’t go wrong

We do the Kong Kong song, gotta sing along

Can’t you hear the beating of the monkey tom-tom

Listen to the rhythm of the King Kong song

We do the King Kong song, won’t you sing along

Listen to the music and it couldn’t go wrong

We do the Kong Kong song, gotta sing along

Can’t you hear the beating of the monkey tom-tom

Listen to the rhythm of the King Kong song

ABBA – King Kong Song – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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