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Letra Música Mind of It’s Own – Nelson Freitas

I thought me and you had a good thing going on,
I thought was a mutual thing
And i thought because of you the bad boy leave finally has gone
felt that he was you here with me

my heart is hatin
i’m going crazy
and everything i do remind me the time when i was with you

my heart is hatin
i’m going crazy
time passes by slow so slow

If i could tell my heart
to stop beating
for you girl i would
If i could tell my heart
that the word like you
in this world i should

you know i should, you know my heard
it’s the mind of it own


I thought you a over here
when you came to me
crying slowly dieing
and I thought wherever happend in the past
we were just let it be
so why re you turn out to be
favorite picture in my memory

my heart is hatin’ ( ohhohhh)
i’m going crazy
and everything i do remind me the time when i was with you

my heart is hatin'( ohhohhh)
i’m going crazy
time passes by slow so slow

If i could tell my heart
to stop beating
for you girl i would
If i could tell my heart
that the word like you
in this world i should

you know i should, you know my heard
it’s the mind of it own

my heart is hatin’
i’m going crazy ( crazy… crazy)

If i could tell my heart (If i could tell my heart)
to stop beating
for you girl ( stop begging stop begging for you girl) i would
If i could tell my heart (If i could tell my heart)
that the word like ( you know i would, you know i would) you
in this world i should

you never miss your water till your well runs dry when she gone, when she gone
you never miss your water until your water runs dry

thats when it starts realising

you never miss your water till your well runs dry when she gone, when she gone
you never miss your water until your water runs dry

we had a good thing going on
( when she gone, when she gone)

thats when it starts realising
( when she gone, when she gone)

we had a good thing going onNelson Freitas – Mind of It’s Own – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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