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Letra Música Call Me – C4 Pedro

Call me sometimes, I will love it
You know I know y′all miss me
I know y’all miss me
But if I did you wrong, wrong, wrong
You don′t need to call no more
Cause I will call you myself
Yes I will, yes I will
I hope it’s never later, for me
′Cause I can′t live without you babe
I can’t live without you my baby

(I will be there)
I will be there, whenever you call me
You just have to believe in me, and call my name
Again and again
Again and again yea yea
′Cause you don’t know how much I care, about you

Call me sometimes, I will love it
You know I know you miss me
I need you to miss me
But if I did you wrong, wrong, wrong
You don′t need to call no more
‘Cause I will call you myself
Yes I will, yes I will
I hope it′s not too later, for me
‘Cause I can’t live without you darling
I can′t live without you darling
You know I can′t live without you

(I will be there)
I will be there, whenever you call me (whenever you call me)
You just have to believe in me, and call my name
Again and again baby
Again and again
‘Cause you don′t know how much I care, about you

(I will be there) whenever you
Where you call me
You just have to believe (you just have to believe in me, and call my name)
Again and again baby
Again and again
(‘Cause you)
′Cause you don’t know how much I care, about you

I will be there (whenever you call me)
(You just have to believe in me, and call my name)
(Again and again) again and again
(Again and again, yea, yea)
′Cause you don’t knowC4 Pedro – Call Me – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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