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Letra Música Sweet Thing – Yazz

Hey, hey, hey, sweet thing

I give in

Sweet thing

I give in (submission)

(don’t you want to right it, fight it)

Oh, no, if you don’t think it’s right

Can’t change your mind if I talk all night

(don’t you want to right it, fight it)

Oh, no, ‘cos nothing now can keep this a good thing.

Hey, hey, hey, sweet thing

I give in

Sweet thing

I give in (submission)

(don’t you want to right it, fight it)

Just go.

I don’t want to fight

Just take your things

And say goodnight

(don’t you want to right it, fight it)

Just go.

‘cos nothing now can keep this a good thing.

Hey, hey, hey how could you be so unkind

When you were lying to me all the time

You don’t need me now your life is fine

It’s your day now, but it’s gonna be mine

Oh and what a sweet day.

Hey, hey, hey,


(don’t you want to right it, fight it)

Oh, no, if you don’t think it’s right

Can’t change your mind if I talk all night

(don’t you want to right it, fight it)

Oh, no, ‘cos nothing now can keep this a good thing.

Hey, hey, hey how could you be so unkind

When you were lying to me all the time

You don’t need me now your life is fine

It’s your day now, but it’s gonna be mine

Oh and what a sweet day.

Sweet thing – I give in

Sweet thing – I give in

Sweet thing – submission (I give in)

Sweet thing – submission (I give in)

Sweet thing – submission (I give in)

Yazz – Sweet Thing – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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