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Letra Música By My Side – Maher Zain

Sometimes I can’t see
Where I’m supposed to go
Sometimes I speed up
When I should take it slow
But through all my hard times
When I lose my way
You’re concealing my mistakes, yeah
I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine

When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through

Whenever I feel down
You can lift me up
Turning my life around
With Your love
No matter how rough it gets
I can wear a smile
‘Cause Your mercy never dries

I know You’re always by my side
Never turning out Your light
When I need You most Your stars will shine

When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through

Ain’t nobody, no no nobody
That knows me like You do
Ain’t nobody who makes me feel this way
Got no worries, no no worries
About anything
‘Cause I know You’re always there, oh

When I’m out there in the darkest place
Worn and tired
I can still see You illuminate
All my skies
When it feels like I’ve fallen too far from You
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me through
There You, there You, there You are
Guiding me throughMaher Zain – By My Side – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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