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Letra Música Sandman – Kin

Some fruit
A few violet viols all for you
Waiting for the airoplane
To touch down someday
Very soon
I am to abandon
My playground
Very soon
I’ll kiss you again

Very soon
I am to bomb my solitude
Very soon
I will return to you

Gave me every color of the riversand
Told me everything i had to know
(i will return to you)
Let me hear the music of the wonderland
But now i really have to go

Gave me every moment of the silent night
Told me where the roses where to grow
(i will return to you)
Let me feel the glory from the golden light
But now i really have to go

A bluefish in a bowl
All for you
Waiting for the boat
To reach harbour someday

Very soon
I am to abandon
My playground
Very soon
I’ll kiss you again

Very soon
I am to bomb my solitude
Very soon
I will return to you

Gave me every color of the riversand
Told me everything i had to know
(i will return to you)
Let me hear the music of the wonderland
But now i really have to go

Gave me every moment of the silent night
Told me where the roses where to grow
(i will return to you)
Let me feel the glory from the golden light
But now i really have to go

I really have to go

Fly me home 3x
Yeah yeah yeah

Gave me every moment of the silent night
Told me where the roses where to grow
(i will return to you)
Let me feel the glory from the golden light
But now i really have to go

I will return to youKin – Sandman – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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