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Letra Música Mine Mine Mine! – Wind Rose

Up at dawn, working ‘till the night
All the day, we’re on the path
Heading for the mine
Tunnels send the iron scraps steady to our home
Heavy furrows on the icy stone
Now the Dwarves in rows
Working in the mountain
Strong and restless, from afar the echo of the anvil
Forges glow with fire red against the walls
Consuming the black gloaming of the mine

Lai, la-la-la-la, la
(Make them glow)
Lai, la-la-la-la, la
(Make them burn)
Mining, carrying, forging, crafting
Smelting of the ores
It’s the duty of a dwarf

Every day the dwarves arise, the dwarves arise
Heading for the mountain mine, the mountain mine
No more time to waste, we are on the way
When a mountain full of gold awaits

And we mine, mine, mine
‘Till the morning light
Digging, crafting, carrying up the ores
Smelting at the forge
Nothing shall prevail o’er the gold
‘Till the king and all the dwarves have come back home

Through the night, working ‘till the dawn
Pickaxe ready, tight the ranks beating on the walls
Building up a dwarven realm that will never kneel
Against the rock the sparking of the steel

Lai, la-la-la-la, la
(Make them glow)
Lai, la-la-la-la, la
(Make them burn)
Mining, carrying, forging, crafting
Smelting of the ores
It’s the duty of a dwarf

Every day the dwarves arise, the dwarves arise
Heading for the mountain mine, the mountain mine
No more time to waste, we are on the way
When a mountain full of gold awaits

And we mine, mine, mine
‘Till the morning light
Digging, crafting, carrying up the ores
Smelting at the forge
Nothing shall prevail o’er the gold
‘Till the king and all the dwarves have come back home

No more time to waste
We are on the way
Treasures concealed
Are the ones we crave
Brothers, answer to our call
We rush for gold
We’ll arise (Rise)
And we’ll mine (Mine)
To the heart of the world

Every day the dwarves arise, thedwarves arise
Heading for the mountain mine, the mountain mine
No more time to waste, we are on the way
When a mountain full of gold awaits

And we mine, mine, mine
‘Till the morning light
Digging, crafting, carrying up the ores
Smelting at the forge
Nothing shall prevail o’er the gold
‘Till the king and all the dwarves have come back home

Wind Rose – Mine Mine Mine! – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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