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Letra Música Obsessed With You (feat. PinkPantheress) – Central Cee

Your hair’s under my pillow, so I sleep (so I sleep)
And I’m dreaming of you leaving roses at my feet (nastylgia)
I’m obsessed with you in a way I can’t believe
When you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just for me? (Me, me, me, me)
I hope a trap boy’s your type (why?)
‘Cause I don’t have a 9-to-5 (alright)
I get that your standards high
But I’m not a random guy, I’m different (literally)
When I write my rhymes, you say you don’t like that line
I’ll switch it (calm)
You said you don’t like my life, you said you don’t like my guys
You’re trippin’ (when you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just for me? You’re trippin’)

I followed you, I followed you today, I was in my car (alright)
I wanted to come see you from afar (I did)
If you turned around and saw me, I would die
When you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just for me?

Bad one and she photogenic (alright)
Instagram, got a lot of impressions (uh-huh)
She think I’m a G, and I don’t need love
But I need some fuck affection (literally)
If I fell off tomorrow, would you still love me?
Manna got 21 questions
In the trap with the cats, domestics
She doin’ lashes, somethin’ cosmetic
They shot their shot, she read it
They slid in DM with some generic (huh)
She don’t even like goin’ out
Got a new outfit, but nowhere to wear it (alright)
She think that I’m being disloyal
And I’m in the streets with couple of killys (you ain’t gotta)
You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout none of these hoes
I’m grown, I’m done with these bitches
(Done with these bitches, done with these bitches)

Your hair’s under my pillow, so I sleep (so I sleep)
And I’m dreaming of you leaving roses at my feet (at my feet)
I’m obsessed with you in a way I can’t believe
When you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just for me? (Me, me, me, me)

I hope a trap boy’s your type (why?)
‘Cause I don’t have a 9-to-5 (alright)
I get that your standards high
But I’m not a random guy, I’m different (literally)
When I write my rhymes, you say you don’t like that line
I’ll switch it (calm)
You said you don’t like my life, you said you don’t like my guys
You’re trippin’ (when you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just for me? Me, me, me, me)

I hope a trap boy’s your type
Do you wipe them just for me? Me, me, me, me
I get that your standards high
But I’m not a random guy, I’m different
I’m pleading on my knees (knees, knees, knees, knees)
When I write my rhymes, you say you don’t like that line
I’ll switch it (calm)
It’s your touch that I need (need, need, need, need)
When you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just forCentral Cee – Obsessed With You (feat. PinkPantheress) – Ouvir Música

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