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Letra Música Mrs – Central Cee

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I-I-I-I-I love Chris Rich
I like when your face is beat (Uh-huh)
But I like when your makeup off (Alright)
Tight dress enticin’ me (Uh-huh)
But I wanna see you take it off (Alright)
Who sent me a text? I didn’t respond
My bad, I just made this song (Uh-huh)
I know why you’re not in the mood
You ain’t gotta say what’s wrong

Trap boy, I take my chances
Are you gonna take my number?
Let’s fly out town and get you one too
You ain’t gotta take my jumper (Ha)
Send me the addy, and tell me come through
You ain’t gotta wait much longer (Uh-huh)
I been through rain and thunder (Uh-huh)
I been through pain and suffer (Alright)

Pavin’ a way for my brother
Stay down till thе day that you come up
Get a house by thе lake for the summer
OT for the day, get a runner
OT for the day, and they’re showin’ man way more love than I get back home
OT for the day, and they’re showin’ man way more love than I get back home

I like when your face is beat (Uh-huh)
But I like when your makeup off (Alright)
Tight dress enticin’ me (Uh-huh)
But I wanna see you take it off (Alright)
Who sent me a text? I didn’t respond
My bad, I just made this song (Uh-huh)
I know why you’re not in the mood
You ain’t gotta say what’s wrong

I’m puttin’ myself on
Then I’m puttin’ my team on
It feel like I’m in a hellhole
I need a shoulder to lean on
I must have forgot about love
All of that shit I would dream of (Huh)

I’m in my old T spot
Soon as I’m home, I’m taking your jeans off
Touching your mind and touching your G-spot (Uh-huh)
When you’re gone, I be fighting my demons (Alright)
They’re telling me that you been cheating (Uh-huh)
But I don’t wanna believe it (You wanna–)
You wanna spend time with me (You wanna–)
You wanna come fly with me (Uh)

I fuck you all night on beat (Yo)
I know you gon’ cry when I leave (Uh-huh)
Ta-takin’ a trip OT, sendin’ me pics when it gets lonely
Up all night, I don’t get no sleep
(I’m tryna) I’m tryna get home safe
(You’re tryna make) Tryna make man horny (Uh)
The trap got me ballin’
The cats keep on callin’ (And what?)
They catch me from fallin’

I like when your face is beat (Uh-huh)
But I like when your makeup off (Alright)
Tight dress enticin’ me (Uh-huh)
But I wanna see you take it off (Alright)
Who sent me a text? I didn’t respond
My bad, I just made this song (Uh-huh)
I know why you’re not in the mood
You ain’t gotta say what’s wrongCentral Cee – Mrs – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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