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Letra Música Day In The Life – Central Cee

Strikes on the mix
Day-day in the life
Let’s see if you really trap
Turn off the autotune
Let’s hear how you really rap (haha)
Sen-send a location
Come burn a boy if you’re bad (let’s see)
Your dad left home from young
And you ain’t done shit for your mum, ah man (ah man)
How are you relying on man like gyal?

You’re mad, you mas’a mad
You ain’t never sat in the trap with a pack
Hear the doorbell ring and your heartbeat lag
Can’t keep track, been in the trap
It’s hard, I can’t keep up (keep up)

Selling them party drugs
I’m the one that got the party tu’nt
Everyone say they t (t)
Fascinated by the trap
I might put the bando on airbnb (b)

Leave a good review, next time you come
Get some get one for free (who’s that?)
Who’s that with the hair on fleek
She made me beat my horn, it’s peak
I try stay low in the jeep, low-key (discrete)
The feds ain’t dumb, they know wagwan
But the young g’s too naive

Little bro got nicked two times this week
Freedom’s priceless, not cheap
Fu-fuck you, pay me
Got a booking fee plus vat (vat)
Rip a1, it’s sad that he didn’t see eighteen
Day-day in the life

Let’s see if you really trap
Turn off the autotune
Let’s hear how you really rap (haha)
Sen-send a location
Come burn a boy if you’re bad (let’s see)
Your dad left home from young
And you ain’t done shit for your mum, ah man (ah man)

How are you relying on man like gyal?
You’re mad, you mas’a mad
You ain’t never sat in the trap with a pack
Hear the doorbell ring and your heartbeat lag
Can’t keep track, been in the trap

It’s hard, I can’t keep up
Selling them party drugs
I’m the one that got the party tu’nt
Bro-bro said I going all dumb
I won’t leave that trap alone
Come like I’m young in love

Got a toxic relationship with stacey
But she won’t cut me off
Can’t be breaking even no more
Brodie, I must see prof’
(Came to the) came to the bando healthy

Left with a dusty cough
Love-love-loving the goldest rose
Like the england rugby top
These bitches lie, relationship advice
Don’t trust these thots
Everyone talk gun ‘pon beat

But in their real life, no gun beat off (hehe)
Keep the convo brief, say no more my g
Don’t you know that talk is cheap?
Like my gyaldem short and sweet
Wha’y-wha’ya mean can you sit on my face?

She listens to too much dbe
Everyone got ptsd
How come everyone now sip on lean?
Don’t you know that I grind two fours?
I’m on 24’s like Christmas eve
Bro why you act surprise?

I told you this and you didn’t believe
Can deal with the trap being dirty
Can’t deal with the dirty d’s
If the yard I’m in gets spun
I won’t come home till I’m thirty three

Day-day in the life
Let’s see if you really trap
Turn off the autotune
Let’s hear how you really rap (haha)
Sen-send a location
Come burn a boy if you’re bad (let’s see)

Your dad left home from young
And you ain’t done shit for your mum, ah man (ah man)
How are you relying on man like gyal?
You’re mad, you mas’a mad
You ain’t never sat in the trap with a pack
Hear the doorbell ring and your heartbeat lag

Can’t keep track, been in the trap
It’s hard, I can’t keep up
Selling them party drugs
I’m the one that got the party tu’nt
You ain’t never sat in the trap with a pack
Hear the doorbell ring and your heartbeat lag
(You ain’t never sat in the trap with a pack)
Frosty (hear the doorbell ring and your heartbeat lag)Central Cee – Day In The Life – Ouvir Música

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