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Letra Música 6 For 6 – Central Cee

Put in the work for years for this, this ain’t no coincidence
Back then when I weren’t so lit, now I’m lit, they’re pissed
Bad B’s, they curved the kid
Back then when I weren’t so lit, now I’m lit, they’re pissed
Told bro-bro that you gotta’ take it slow
But he knows crime pays, so he won’t go lidge’
Went three-for-three, now I’m six-for-six
Put in the work for years for this, this ain’t no coincidence
I did haffi take them trips

Shit, they’re talkin’ shit and it makes me sick
I said: Fuck school, and it made me rich
We did sell crack on an 80’s ting
The jakes on us and they pray we slip
Said: Fuck school, and I broke the law
Told little bro: Gotta’ stay in school
Tellin’ the kids this shit ain’t cool
Fuck, I’m so hypocritical
Fuck, I just missed a call

My bro’s in the field, not volleying balls
Sold cocaine, and molly, and all
Told mumzy don’t worry at all
Step in the bando: Honey, I’m home
The local fields don’t vouch
He won’t get served, the cats unknown
I don’t owe no-one, I made money alone

Bad B’s, they curved the kid
Back then when I weren’t so lit, now I’m lit, they’re pissed
Told bro-bro that you gotta’ take it slow
But he knows crime pays, so he won’t go lidge’
Went three-for-three, now I’m six-for-six
Put in the work for years for this, this ain’t no coincidence
I did haffi take them trips

Could’ve been in the bin
If it weren’t for the gloves that I had when I wrapped that Rizz
That kid got nicked on an amateur ting
Gotta bank that cling, take precaution
If you knew the risks we took to get paid
You wouldn’t look at me the same
My bro got the wickedest aim
We bringin’ the blicky on stage
They’re hatin’ I’m really on phase (haha)
Don’t test my patience
Half of the hood did show man love, it’s bait that the rest are hatin’
Now I got gyal all around, still, my one from the west my favorite
These cats are domesticated
Jakes in the station investigatin’

Bad B’s, they curved the kid
Back then when I weren’t so lit, now I’m lit, they’re pissed
Told bro-bro that you gotta’ take it slow
But he knows crime pays, so he won’t go lidge’
Went three-for-three, now I’m six-for-six
Put in the work for years for this, this ain’t no coincidence
I did haffi take them trips

Bad B’s, they curved the kid
Back then when I weren’t so lit, now I’m lit, they’re pissed
Told bro-bro that you gotta’ take it slow
But he knows crime pays, so he won’t go lidge’
Went three-for-three, now I’m six-for-six
Put in the work for years for this, this ain’t no coincidence
I did haffi take them tripsCentral Cee – 6 For 6 – Ouvir Música

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