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Missikara djarati wari!! Wari!! / Wari-banan, wari banan Gbêrêya bé bê-kan / Wari-banan, wari banan Gbêrêya bé bê-kan / Wari-banan, wari banan Gbêrêya bé bê-kan
Rockin’ Rocker / Rockin’ Rocker from Zion I.C. / We’re ready ready ready, ready to rock / We are the rockers from Zion Ivory Coast
Barouh atat adonai (barouh atat adonai) / Barouh aba yeroushalaim (barouh aba yeroushalaim) / From the bible to the coran / Revelation in jerusalem
I’m gonna sleep by the dead sea / And rise up with the birds from the hills / And clean up my sins / While the birds sing