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Letra Música that life – Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Girl in the bathroom, Florida key
Certainties all away
Brother of cocaine, a tequila son-in-law
End of the world today
How do the clouds get as pink as a peach?
Strike up the contraband
Get introduced to God in the negative
Both supply and demand

All day swimming, under the palm trees
Look how they gracefully sway
Some kinda gin drink, some kinda jewelry
Some kinda fancy machine

Why is there always crying and quarreling
Filtering through the malaise?
I can hear someone runnin’ their mouth and
The neighbors will call the police
And here we go, oh, oh, oh

That life
That life
That life
That life

You’re always gonna be about
Mm, that life
Oh, that life
Yeah, that life

You’re always gonna be about
Morbid beauty, the skull of the school
The apple of daddy’s eye
Possibly not so hydrodynamic

Need some electrolyte
Boiling tarmac, a hole in the hull
The cherry chill of dawn
So far away from the nearest jaguar
Who’s gonna eat them all

All day swimming, under the palm trees
Look how they gracefully sway
Some kinda gin drink, some kinda jewelry
Some kinda fancy machine

Why is there always crying and quarreling
Filtering through the malaise?
I can hear someone runnin’ their mouth and
The neighbors will call the police
And here we go, oh, oh, oh

That life
That life
That life
That life

You’re always gonna be about
Mm, that life
Oh, that life
Yeah, that life
You’re always gonna be about

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