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Letra Música Screen – Twenty One Pilots

I do not know why I would go
In front of you and hide my soul
‘Cause you’re the only one who knows it
Yeah, you’re the only one who knows it
And I will hide behind my pride
Don’t know why I think I could lie
‘Cause there’s a screen on my chest
Yeah, there’s a screen on my chest

I’m standing in front of you
I’m standing in front of you
I’m trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool
I’m stading in front of you
Oh, I’m stading in front of you
I’m trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool

I can’t see past my own nose
I’m seeing everything in slow-mo
Look out below crashing down to the ground
Just like a vertical loco-motive that’s a train
Am I painting the picture that’s in my brain?
A train from the sky, locomotive, my motives are insane
My flow’s not great, okay, I conversate with people who know
If a flow on a song, I’ll get no radio play
While you’re doing fine, there’s some people and I
Who have a really tough time getting through this life
So excuse us while we sing to the sky

I’m standing in front of you
I’m standing in front of you
I’m trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool
I’m stading in front of you
Oh, I’m stading in front of you
I’m trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool

We’re broken, we’re broken
We’re broken, we’re broken people
We’re broken people, yeah

I’m standing in front of you
I’m standing in front of you
I’m trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool
I’m stading in front of you
Oh, I’m stading in front of you
I’m trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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