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Letra Música Levitate – Twenty One Pilots

Oh I know how to levitate up off my feet
And ever since the seventh grade, I’ve learned to fire-breathe
And though I feed on things that fell
You can learn to levitate with just a little help
Learn to levitate with just a little help
(Come down, come down)
Cowards only come through
When the hour’s late and everyone’s asleep, mind you, now
(Show up, show up)
I know I shouldn’t say this
But a curse from you is all that I would need right now, man

(Come down, come down)
Cowards only come through
When the hour’s late and everyone’s asleep, mind you, now
(Show up, show up)
I know I shouldn’t say this
But a curse from you is all that I would need right now, man

Danger in the fabric of this thing I made
I probably shouldn’t show you, but it’s way too late
My heart is with you, hiding, but my mind’s not made
Now they know it like we both knew for some time, I’d say

They’re smirking at first blood
They’re circling above
But this is not enough
Yeah, this is not what you thought
No, we are not just graffiti on a passing train
I got back what I once bought back
In that slot I won’t need to replace
This culture is a poacher of overexposure, not today
Don’t feed me to the vultures
I am a vulture who feeds on pain

Sleep in a well-lit room
Don’t let the shadow through
And sever all I knew, yeah, sever all
I thought I could depend on
My weekends on the freezing ground that I’m sleeping on
Please keep me from, please keep me down from the ledges
Better test it, wooden wedges under doorways
Keep your wooden wedges under doors

Chorus, verse, chorus, verse
Now here comes the eight
Wait, habits here too
You’re the worst, your structure compensates
But compensation feels a lot like rising up to dominate by track two
At least they all know all they hear comes from a place

Oh I know how to levitate up off my feet
And ever since the seventh grade, I’ve learned to fire-breathe
And though I feed on things that fell
You can learn to levitate with just a little help
You can levitate with just a little help

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Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal Época Online.